This is the beginning of something that will change the way I look at life. I am starting this blog in conjunction with many other aspects of a project I'm calling "Consume Less, Create More." I will make every attempt to update this at least weekly, if not more. So, please check back regularly and give me your input on the things that come out of this. The purpose of this blog is to serve as a journal of my thoughts and discoveries during this venture. My mission will be to, simply put, comsume less, and create more.
Consumption is defined as "the using up of a resource." While creating is defined as "bring (something) into existence." If you think about that, it's really quite deep. When we consume something we are using it up. Whether it be food, time, money, or other resources.
As a culture we consume a lot of things for entertainment. Movies, music, web pages, YouTube videos, magazines, and the list goes on. If everyone simply became consumers, then eventually we would use up all of the things we consume. There would be nothing left to entertain us. But creating is often times much more entertaining and profitable than consuming. Now I'm not saying we should consume nothing. Some intake is good for creation. You can receive inspiration and encouragement from things we watch, listen to or read. But it's the lack of action after we consume them to move our thoughts into creation. As a part of this project I will do my very best to create more than I consume everyday. I will take the time I might have spent watching a movie, surfing the web, or checking Facebook, and use it to make something new. It might be a song, a poem, a video, a thought, a new musical idea, learning a new skill, or doing something with my kids(I guess creating stronger bonds). The list of what one can do to create is endless. The hard part is sticking to it. The majority of what I will do and post about will be musical or artistic in nature because that is my passion.
I will share each of these with you as I am working through this project. I will be sharing things on different outlets so be sure and follow me there as well. (See the links on the main page) Thank you so much for reading this and hopefully following me over the next year (or more.) Now, enough consuming, go make something!
You can also find me on, twitter @mitchellcj, Google+, and on &
I'm creating a post of support for your blog! ~ Kimberly O.
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading and for your support!