Monday, April 7, 2014

Wake Up O Sleeper (pt. 2)

So there was some good creating going on the last couple weeks. As I said last week I would be finishing a new song I had been working on. Well I did that plus my wife, Jessica created some awesome dresses with my daughter and my mother-in-law! We all had a lot of fun trying new things and creating together. We planted our garden this past week also! We have quite a few vegetables and fruits that should be sprouting soon. We love doing all of this and teaching our children how to enjoy making, growing, and creating things, not just being a vegetable that sits in front of the TV or connected to an electronic device all day. So if you want to go download my new song "Wake Up O Sleeper" go to the link below and have a listen and download it if you'd like! EDIT: I thought maybe I should give a little background to the song. I wrote this mostly about the modern day Christian church. The last line of the first verse says "Our eyes are closed to what's happening, we see what we want and some of it we choose to believe." We ignore so many things that are happening around the world, while we spend millions renovating our church buildings. We ignore so much happening here in the US too! We ignore the local homeless, sex trafficking, orphans, needy church members, and many other things. We could help out so much but like I said, we see it but ignore it, choose not to believe it, or cover it up. So be the change you want to see, use your resources or pool resources with others and make something good happen.

 As always thanks for reading and I hope you are inspired to go and create.
Remember us the hashtag #CLCM on Twitter or Facebook with so I can find your creation projects.

Click here to hear and download my new song!


Jessica and Juliana's creations this week,
a couple dresses and a headband!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Wake up!

Wow, it's been awhile. I made myself a commitment and then I let it kinda fall on the back burner because of life's many happenings. I have been creating but nothing really substantial or that I have deemed blog worthy. Since cut backs at work I have had to supplement in creative ways. I am teaching guitar, piano, and voice lessons on the side. So if you're in the Lubbock area and want to learn any of those instruments let me know! I have also been teaching my oldest daughter, Juliana (6) how to play the ukulele and she can already play (and sing) "You are my Sunshine" So it hasn't been all consuming, but I have kinda slacked a little bit. Our computer went on the fritz and I couldn't record any music... it was devastating! That really just put me in a funk. I let myself become uninspired to create. As creators we have to realize that others rely on us for our creations. Whether they be fans, friends, significant others, family, band members, or co-workers. We have to create in our daily lives. So it's time for me to wake up and find inspiration in daily life to spur on my creation. It doesn't take a lot of time to make something noteworthy. Just start something small then grow it a little everyday. Whether it be a song, a painting, an idea, poem, woodcrafting, a business, anything we can create.

I started a song a while back called "Wake Up O Sleeper." I finished it today and started recording it and will post it next week so be sure and keep a look out! So I'm taking my own advice, and that of Ephesians 5:14 "Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." I'm waking up and making a conscious decision to create daily. In spite of life, in spite of circumstances, in spite of messed up computers. I will carry on. Join with me in waking up and realizing we are in control of our own future and what we make with what we are given!

Don't forget to use the hashtag #CLCM (consume less, create more) when you share something on Facebook or Twitter so I can see it and add it to the blog. Go forth and create!